Sponsors of Partner and Prospective Marriage visas lodged on or after 18 November 2016 to provide po
The Australian government is committed to reducing violence in the Australian community, including family and sexual violence. As part of this commitment, we will ask sponsors of Partner/Prospective Marriage visa applications lodged after 18 November 2016 to provide Australian and/or foreign police checks and to give us permission to disclose convictions for certain offences to the visa applicant(s). See our website for information about the changes, including offences we can disclose.
The changes only apply to cases where the visa application is made on or after 18 November 2016. If your partner lodged his/her application before 18 November 2016, the new requirements will not apply to you, even if you submit your sponsorship form after 18 November 2016.
Applicants who already hold a subclass 309 or 820 visa and are waiting for a decision on the subclass 100 or 801 visa are not affected. This is because they lodged the visa application before 18 November 2016.