ANZSCO 2711 出庭律师职责概述
• 出庭律师在民事法庭,刑事法庭,劳工法庭以及其他法院为案件进行辩护 BARRISTERS plead cases before civil, criminal and industrial courts and other tribunals.
ANZSCO 2711 出庭律师技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平(ANZSCO技能水平1级)。需要注册或者许可证。 Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). Registration or licensing is required.
ANZSCO 2711 出庭律师主要职责 Tasks Include
• 摘要或者口头指示的形式接受初级律师或其他法律专业人员或客户的成文的法律案件信息 receiving written information in the form of briefs and verbal instructions concerning cases from Solicitors, other specialist Legal Professionals and clients
• 提供法律咨询和书面建议 providing advice and written opinions on points of law
• 与客户以及证人交流协商,为法庭诉讼做准备 conferring with clients and witnesses in preparation for court proceedings
• 起草起诉状、宣誓书以及其他法庭文件 drawing up pleadings, affidavits and other court documents
• 研究法规和与案件有关的法院判决先例 researching statutes and previous court decisions relevant to cases
• 陈述案件事实,传召询问证人并发表陈述为客户辩护 outlining the facts to the court, calling and questioning witnesses, and making addresses to the court to argue a client's case
• 为复杂的法律议题提出意见 providing opinion on complex legal issues
• 可能起草或整理文件 may draw up or settle documents
ANZSCO 2711 出庭律师职位列表 List of occupations
271111 出庭律师 Barrister
• 出庭律师在民事法庭,刑事法庭,劳工法庭以及其他法院为案件进行辩护。注需要注册或者许可证。 Pleads cases before civil, criminal and industrial courts and other tribunals. Registration or licensing is required.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1
• 职业方向: Specialisations:
• 御用大律师 Queen's Counsel
• 高级法律顾问(澳洲) Senior Counsel (Aus)