ANZSCO 2633 通讯工程专业人员 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals
ANZSCO 2633 通讯工程专业人员职责概述
• 通讯工程专业人员设计、建造、安装、维修并支持通讯设备、系统和设施 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS design, construct, install, service and support
telecommunications equipment, systems and facilities.
ANZSCO 2633 通讯工程专业人员技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。五年以上相关工作经验和/或公司认证可以代替正规资格要求。某些情况下,除了要求有正规资格还要求有相关经验和在职培训经历(ANZSCO 1级水平)。 Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience and/or relevant vendor certification may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
ANZSCO 2633 通讯工程专业人员主要职责 Tasks Include
• 规划、设计、建造、配置并试运行通讯装置、网络和系统,如声音、无线电、双向、数据、微波、卫星和电子数据系统,确保通讯系统与不同制造商,服务供应商和用户的设备能正常联通 planning, designing, building, configuring and commissioning telecommunications devices, networks and systems, such as voice, radio, two-way, data, microwave, satellite and digital data systems, and ensuring telecommunications systems interconnect with equipment from different manufacturers, service providers and users
• 编写工程项目计划书来确定设备、零件和服务的目标、范围、背景和需求以及成本 compiling engineering project proposals to define goals, identify scope, background and need, and ascertain cost of equipment, parts and services
• 从供应商那里采购新产品、新服务 evaluating and procuring new products and services from vendors
• 确保通讯系统的运营符合相关法律、法规、政策和程序 ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures in the provision of telecommunications systems
• 通过定位、文件归档、起草文档提交批准,起草建筑图纸并坚持直至得到批准,选择并开发新的通讯平台 selecting and developing new telecommunications sites by locating sites, filing documents, drawing up documents for approval, drafting construction drawings and following through to approval
• 选择合格的通讯系统软硬件配置以确保通讯装置达到预期的性能 determining appropriate configurations of telecommunications hardware and software, ensuring desired performance of telecommunications equipment
• 为通讯设备设计技术规范、图纸和规程 preparing and interpreting specifications, drawings and regulations for the use of telecommunications equipment
• 确定电路、变压器、断路器、传输线设备的类型与布置 determining the type and arrangement of circuits, transformers, circuit-breakers, transmission lines and equipment
• 识别分析现有通讯系统的问题与需求,如干扰,清晰度和透明度,以找出如何减小、消除和避免现有问题和可能出现的问题的最佳方法,改善通信质量 identifying and analysing problems and needs of existing telecommunications systems, such as interference, intelligibility and clarity, to determine the most appropriate means of reducing, eliminating and avoiding current and future problems and improve communications
• 检测通讯系统,决定是否需要更新、升级、功能增强、定期检修或者需要更换一个新的系统 monitoring telecommunications systems to assess need for updates, upgrades, enhancements, preventive maintenance and new systems
• 评估系统软硬件的性能和未来发展的需求,为更新设备、提高性能、优化现有系统和改进通讯系统开发短期和长期计划, assessing performance levels of system hardware and software to project future needs, and developing short- and long-terms plans for updating equipment, adding capabilities, enhancing existing systems and providing improved telecommunications
ANZSCO 2633 通讯工程专业人员职位列表 List of occupations
• 263311 通讯工程师 Telecommunications Engineer
• 263312 通讯网络工程师 Telecommunications Network Engineer
263311 通讯工程师 Telecommunications Engineer
• 设计开发通讯系统、设备和产品 Designs and develops telecommunications systems, devices and products.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1
• 职业方向: Specialisation:
• 信号团军官(部队)Signals Corps Officer (Army) (Aus) / Signals Officer (Army) (NZ)
263312 通讯网络工程师 Telecommunications Network Engineer
• 替代职位 Alternative Titles:
• 通讯系统咨询师 Communications Consultant
• 通讯系统专员(信息与通讯技术) Communications Specialist (ICT)
• 电信系统咨询师 Telecommunications Consultant
• 电信系统专员 Telecommunications Specialist
• 规划、设计、监测复杂的电信网络及相关的广播设备 Plans, designs, and monitors complex telecommunications networks and associated broadcasting equipment.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1