ANZSCO 2346 医学检验学家职业描述
• 医学检验学家进行医学化验, 协助诊断疾病,治疗并预防疾病MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENTISTS conduct medical laboratory tests to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
ANZSCO 2346 医学检验学家技能要求
• 该类别下的大多职位要求学士学位或更高学历。有些情况下,除了正规学历还要求相关工作经验或在职培训 Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
ANZSCO 2346 医学检验学家主要职责
• 为显微镜检查准备一些组织切片 preparing tissue sections for microscopic examination
• 检测并分析取样,研究微生物感染的影响 examining and analysing samples to study the effects of microbial infections
• 分析身体组织和液体的取样,研究能够诊断并治疗疾病的方法 analysing samples of body tissue and fluids to develop techniques to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
• 向专科医师建议用于诊断并治疗疾病的方法 advising Medical Practitioners on the interpretation of tests and methods for use in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
• 制定实验室测试步骤和原则 setting up the steps and rules of laboratory medical testing
• 操作并维护试验设备 operating and maintaining laboratory equipment
• 实施实验室质量保证要求和安全标准 maintaining laboratory quality assurance and safety standards
• 准备科学论文和科学报告 preparing scientific papers and reports
ANZSCO 2346 医学检验学家职位列表
234611 医学检验学家 Medical Laboratory Scientist
• 可替换的职位 Alternative Titles:
• 医院主任 Hospital Scientist
• 医务科学主任 Medical Scientific Officer
• 进行医学化验, 协助诊断疾病,治疗并预防疾病 Conducts medical laboratory tests to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
• 技能水平 1级 Skill Level: 1