ANZSCO 2343 环境学家职业描述
• 环境学家对管理和保护环境,动植物群等自然资源的政策和计划进行研究,发展,实施并提出建议 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS study, develop, implement and advise on policies and plans for managing and protecting the environment, flora, fauna and other natural resources.
ANZSCO 2343 环境学家技能要求
• 此类别的大多数职业要求相应的本科或更高资格。某些情况下,除正规学历外需要相关的工作经验或在职培训。(ANZSCO 技术水平 1级)Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
ANZSCO 2343 环境学家主要职责
• 评估栖息地,野生动物和渔业的要求,制定短期和长期的管理目标 evaluating habitat, wildlife and fisheries needs, and formulating short- and long-term management goals and objectives
• 执行法律法规以保护鱼类及野生动物 enforcing laws and regulations to conserve and protect fish and wildlife
• 为大范围的开发项目进行环境影响评估 carrying out environmental impact assessments for a wide range of development projects
• 为负面环境影响提出解决方案 proposing solutions to address negative environmental impact
• 研究影响因素,例如,地形,纬度,气候,环境变化,营养来源,捕食者和人类对动植物的影响 studying the effects of factors, such as terrain, altitude, climatic and environmental change, sources of nutrition, predators and the impacts of humans, on animal and plant life
• 研究分析污染,气候变化,人口特征,生态,矿产,土地和水样 studying and analysing pollution, atmospheric conditions, demographic characteristics, ecology, mineral,soil and water samples
• 发展生物资源(例如鱼类数量和森林)保护和管理政策,为控制污染和恢复受开矿,伐木和过度放牧影响的地区设立标准,发展方法 developing conservation and management policies for biological resources, such as fish populations and forests, and establishing standards and developing approaches for the control of pollution and the rehabilitation of areas disturbed by activities such as mining, timber felling and overgrazing
• 落实政策并组织活动在指定的公园或其他地区以保护自然和文化遗产 implementing policies and organising activities in designated parks and other areas to conserve and protect natural and cultural heritage
• 通过提供环境信息和保护植物,动物和文化遗产项目来参加管理规划 participating in management planning by providing environmental information and making inventories of plants, animals and items of cultural and heritage significance
ANZSCO 2343 环境学家职业列表
• 234311 自然保护人员 Conservation Officer
• 234312 环境顾问 Environmental Consultant
• 234313 环境研究学家 Environmental Research Scientist
• 234314 公园管理员 Park Ranger
• 234399 环境学家 Environmental Scientists nec
• 为保护鱼类,野生动物和其他自然资源发展和实施项目和法规 Develops and implements programs and regulations for the protection of fish, wildlife and other natural resources.
• 技能水平 1级 Skill Level: 1
• 具体职务 Specialisation:
• 土地保护促进者 Landcare Facilitator
• 参考职务 Alternative Titles:
• 环境建议者 Environmental Adviser
• 环境审计师 Environmental Auditor
• 环保主任 Environmental Officer
• 分析和建议引导设计,实施,和修改政府或者商业环境组织项目 Analyses and advises on policies guiding the design, implementation and modification of government or commercial environmental operations and programs.
• 技能水平 1级 Skill Level: 1
• 参考职务 Alternative Title:
• 环境科学家 Environmental Scientist
• 为可能造成环境污染,环境失衡或者环境破坏的控制因素研究和制定政策,计划 Studies and develops policies and plans for the control of factors which may produce pollution, imbalance in or degradation of the environment.
• 技能水平 1级 Skill Level: 1
• 具体职务 Specialisations:
• 环境分析师 Environmental Analyst
• 空气污染分析师 Air Pollution Analyst
• 生态学家 Ecologist
• 土地退化分析师 Land Degradation Analyst
• 水质分析师 Water Quality Analyst
234314 公园管理员 PARK RANGER
• 依据授权的政策或特权支持控制国家公园,风景区,历史遗迹,自然资源,游乐场所或者土地储备 Assists in controlling a State or national park, scenic area, historic site, nature reserve, recreation area or conservation reserve in accordance with authorised policies and priorities.
• 技能水平 1级 Skill Level: 1
• 这个职业类别包含其他没有分类的环境学家 This occupation group covers Environmental Scientists not elsewhere classified.
• 技能水平 1级 Skill Level: 1
• 养殖顾问 Aquaculture Consultant
• 环境审计师 Environmental Auditor
• 土地科学家 Soil Scientist